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KOINDX Token Announcement

· 3 min read

Koindx Token Announces

KoinDX Announces $KOINDX Token Launch and Tokenomics

We're thrilled to announce that KoinDX, the leading decentralized exchange on the Koinos blockchain, is reaching a significant milestone - the launch of our native token, $KOINDX

As the pioneer of gas-free DeFi, KoinDX is set to revolutionize the decentralized finance landscape. The introduction of $KOINDX marks a new chapter in our journey, empowering our community and aligning interests for sustainable growth.

$KOINDX Tokenomics: Built for Long-Term Success

KoinDX Token Distribution

The $KOINDX token has been carefully designed with a focus on sustainable growth and community alignment. Here's a breakdown of our tokenomics:

  • Total Supply: The total supply of $KOINDX is capped at 350 million tokens.
  • Team Allocation: 15% allocated to the team (6-month lock, followed by an 18-month linear release).
  • Private Sale: 15% for private sale participants (6-month lock, followed by an 18-month linear release).
  • Public Sale: 9% with no vesting period, 12 months of linear release.
  • Airdrop: 3% reserved for community distribution, of which 1% is distributed on TGE and the remaining percentage distributed over 12 months period.
  • Liquidity and MM: 10% available on token launch date to be used for liquidity and market making to support token demand.
  • Marketing: 8% will be used for marketing contracts and agreements over the course of 18 months.
  • Ecosystem Rewards: 25% dedicated to ecosystem rewards over 36 months.
  • Staking rewards: 10% to ensure stability and growth of the tokenomics and ecosystem.
  • Ecosystem Development: 5% dedicated to ecosystem development over 12 months.
  • Any unsold tokens during private sale will be sold in public sale, any remaining unsold tokens will be moved to ecosystem rewards *

This balanced allocation ensures that $KOINDX supports the platform's growth while rewarding our community and maintaining a healthy token economy.

Revenue Sharing: A Key Benefit for $KOINDX Holders

One of the most exciting aspects of holding $KOINDX tokens is the opportunity to share in KoinDX's revenue. As a $KOINDX holder, you'll be entitled to a portion of the platform's revenue, creating a direct link between the success of KoinDX and the value accrued to token holders.

This revenue-sharing model aligns the interests of the platform, its users, and token holders, fostering a strong and engaged community. As KoinDX grows, so does the potential benefit to our token holders.

Why $KOINDX Matters

  • Gas-Free DeFi Pioneer: $KOINDX represents the future of DeFi, built on the gas-free Koinos blockchain.
  • Community Governance: As a token holder, you'll have a say in the future direction of KoinDX.
  • Ecosystem Growth: The token will fuel the growth of the KoinDX ecosystem, including new features and enhancements.
  • Value Accrual: Through revenue sharing and ecosystem development, $KOINDX is designed to accrue value as the platform grows.

What's Next?

KoinDX Social Networks

In the coming days, we'll release more details about the token launch, including the exact date and how you can participate. We're committed to making this process as transparent and fair as possible.

Stay connected with us through our official channels for the latest updates:

We're incredibly excited about this next chapter in the KoinDX journey. Together, we're not just building a platform; we're pioneering the future of decentralized finance.

Get ready to be part of something revolutionary. The future of DeFi is gas-free, and it starts with KoinDX!